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Business Interruption Insurance: Publication of Documents for Policyholders 

In order to assist policyholders and other stakeholders in understanding the High Court judgment, High Court declarations and the test case generally, the Financial Conduct Authority has published:

  • A table setting out the appeal status and the most relevant declarations and paragraphs of the judgment according to policy type in the representative sample.
  • The representative sample of policy wordings with a contents page, which can be navigated to by clicking on the policy type in the table above (there is no other change to this document).
  • A contents list for the High Court judgment.

None of these publications contain any new information, but they are intended to aid navigation of the court documents. They are not definitive or legally binding. Policyholders are again encouraged to speak to their insurance intermediaries and/or their advisers in the first instance for questions arising from the judgment, declarations and appeal.

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