If you choose to form a bubble, you should keep the numbers within it as low as possible and minimise the duration of contact between different households in the bubble as far as possible. You should also limit your social contact with others as far as you can before and after forming a bubble to minimise transmission risks and to protect your loved ones.
Students who have returned home form part of the household they have returned to. All students are being offered testing before returning home.
Your bubble can meet in a private home, in outdoor public places or in places of worship.
In all other settings – e.g. hospitality, entertainment venues – if you have formed a bubble, you should only socialise with members of your own household.
Travel restrictions will be relaxed from 23 – 27 December (inclusive) to allow people to travel between local authority areas and the four nations of the UK to join their bubble.
While travelling you should minimise stop-offs during journeys except where necessary for safety and respite, and follow the Scottish Government’s guidance on travelling safely.
If using public transport you should make a plan in advance and book ahead where possible.
If you travel to form a bubble, you should stay in the area in which you are being hosted and follow the rules about travel that apply in that area. In a Level 3 or 4 area in Scotland, for example, you should avoid non-essential travel outside the local authority area in which you are staying. And in an area of Scotland at Level 0, 1, or 2 you should avoid unnecessary travel into any Level 3 or 4 area.
Further guidance will be available on Thursday, 26 November.