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COVID-19 or other illness on the premises

The latest advice received from the Scottish Government (2 August 2021)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): tourism and hospitality sector – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

COVID-19 or other illness on the premises

In the event that a guest develops symptoms whilst staying away from home, they should immediately book a test through NHS Inform or, if they can’t get online. by phoning 0800 028 2816.

In accordance with Test and Protect, people with symptoms are required to self-isolate for 10 days, and everyone in their household should isolate for 10 days. If the test is negative, everyone can end isolation. If the test is positive, everyone should continue to isolate, and the NHS Test and Protect team will be in touch to start contact tracing. Those contacted through the Test and Protect programme will be required to self-isolate for at least 10 days.

If guests who are isolating can travel home safely to isolate, avoiding the use of public transport, they should do this.

In the event that this is not possible, the guest should discuss this with the NHS Test and Protect team. The guest may be signposted to the National Assistance Helpline on 0800 111 4000 if they need help to isolate and cannot arrange it themselves or through friends and family.

In some circumstances further discussion may be required with the local Health Protection Team and local authority to ensure that the person has suitable accommodation to isolate safely and effectively.

After the required period of self-isolation, guests and anyone else in their party who has been affected can then return to their main place of residence.

PHS advice

What to do if a guest develops or arrives with COVID-19 symptoms

Operators should signpost to PHS non-healthcare settings guidance, which currently states:

If the affected person has mild symptoms they should go home as soon as they notice symptoms and follow the guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection. Where possible they should minimise contact with others, e.g. use a private vehicle to go home. If it is not possible to use private transport, then they should be advised to return home quickly and directly. If using public transport, they should try to keep away from other people, wear a face covering and catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue.”


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