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Financial Support for the Self-Catering Sector

The ASSC sought clarification on the following subject: ‘Apart from furlough, is there any support available to businesses who are partially closed due to people not being able to stay with them anymore?’

Response from the Scottish Government:

Regarding additional support to businesses such as self-catering, which are still able to operate but have reduced custom due to restrictions on households meeting indoors and / or travel restrictions due to the tier system – eligibility for business support grants (depending on rateable value) are now targeted at businesses required to close by law or at businesses that remain open but are directly impacted by restrictions. 

 This means that:

  • Businesses are only eligible for Hardship Fund support if they are in Level 3 or 4, and the regulations require them to close or operate differently
  • Self-catering businesses, that are in Level 1&2 or Level 3, but are finding visitor numbers lower because of the travel / gatherings restrictions are not eligible for Hardship Fund support.
  • Funding eligibility is dependent on what level the business itself is in and what direct restrictions are placed on it, rather than its customer base.  Indirect restrictions, arising from both travel and socialising restrictions are not a basis for additional financial support. 

I appreciate how tough the current conditions are for you and the self-catering sector and know that this is will not be the response you’d hoped for.  However, we have noted your call for an additional financial support package, and are considering all requests within the context of the recommendations within the Tourism Recovery Taskforce report.  In the current financial climate there are a number of sectors within  tourism and hospitality which have unfortunately not yet received any targeted financial support and this is likely to be the focus for prioritising limited financial support available.  We also continue to urge the UK Government to transfer the financial powers needed to fully respond to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

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