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First Minister’s Statement 11th January 2022

During her COVID-19 update today, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon covered the following (11/01/22):

  • The FM confirmed that 10,392 new cases of COVID-19 had been identified in the last 24 hours. She also confirmed that 1,479 people were in hospital. She also noted that there were 65 people in ICUs and that 16 deaths had occurred, bringing the total to 9,950.
  • Prior to the FM getting to her feet, the Presiding Officer commented negatively on the leaking of the statement to the press that had taken place. The FM said that an inquiry would take place.
  • The FM argued that there was grounds for “cautious optimism” but noted that the effectiveness of the measures in place over Christmas allowed for the government to reduce some of them.
  • The FM outlined that hospitality measures would remain in place for another week but that the cabinet was hopeful that they may be lifted after its next meeting.
  • The FM noted that the limit on outdoor venues, including stadiums, would be lifted next week with organisers continuing to check vaccine passports in an extended way and spectators requiring a booster jag to attend.
  • The FM updated MSPs on the in-development strategic framework which would allow the country to “live with” the virus, saying that she intended to publish it in the next few weeks.
  • The FM closed by reiterating the requirements in place and urged Scots to follow them.
  • Scottish Conservative leader criticised the FM for continuing the vaccine passport scheme and asked for the evidence behind the expanded checking of vaccine passports and when indoor sports would see their rules relaxed. The FM accused Mr Ross of picking and choosing which measures he believed worked. Labour leader Anas Sarwar criticised the FM for not releasing data on the Omicron variant and asked her to set out trigger points for restrictions and support in her strategic framework. The FM said that the government was publishing data every day and said she would present her approach to parliament at the time. She also urged against using fixed triggers. Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton raised the plight of hospitality venues and sports venues who now have only a few days to sort themselves out for attendance and in terms of vaccine passports; he also urged the FM to put in place more support for long COVID cases. Tory Health spokesman Sandesh Gulhane noted that the National Clinical Director had been reported as saying that measures impacting sports and other venues had had little impact and called for the FM to publish all the data the cabinet uses to make its decisions. The FM reiterated that the data was being published and insinuated that the National Clinical Directors words were being misquoted. SNP MSP Kenny Gibson asked what the Scottish Government could do to help independent travel agents. The FM said that she would continue to do everything she could and acknowledges the difficulties those companies had endured.

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