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Key Data: Empower Your Management – The Ultimate Guide to Building Confidence and Efficiency in Your Property Management Company

Key Data integrates directly with your property management software to provide reliable, granular data with a built-in comparison to local competitors. Users can access real-time, historic, and forward-looking data in one easy-to-use dashboard to inform strategic decisions, compare performance, boost communication, and more.

Utilise this guide as your resource for navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of the short-term rental market.

Before diving into the best practice guide for daily, weekly, and monthly success, it’s important to understand the three most important KPIs: Adjusted Paid Occupancy, Average Daily Rate, and RevPAR. Understanding these three metrics is a solid baseline for your company’s overall performance.

  • Adjusted Paid Occupancy: The percentage of nights occupied by guests out of the total nights available for guests to book in the period.
  • Average Daily Rate (ADR): The average Unit Revenue paid by guests for all the Nights Sold in a given period.
  • Adjusted Revenue Per Available Rental Night (RevPAR): RevPAR takes into account both the average rate at which you booked the property and the number of nights it was booked.

You can review and download the full Guidance document below.

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