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Disability/Inclusion Training for the Tourism Sector

Skills Development Scotland is offering a free training programme for tourism staff around disability and inclusion.

The workshop will help increase confidence and knowledge to support the self-employed, and attract, recruit and retain well qualified, motivated staff in challenging times, with practical advice and guidance to help make businesses more accessible and inclusive for customers and employees alike.

Why is this training important?

There has never been a more important time for the industry to invest in its most valuable asset, its people. With Covid 19 and Brexit having a real impact on the sector’s ability to attract and retain people.

To help Scotland’s Travel and Tourism Industry recover, Inclusion Scotland are proud to provide their knowledge and experience to this valuable sector. For example, they will cover language, what to do if you get it wrong and how to approach disability in a way which is respectful and with practical guidance on how to be the change you want to see in society.

Who is eligible for the training

This training is open to all employees, employers and self-employed in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality across Scotland working towards a more inclusive and accessible workplace and society.

What you get from the training

All participants will have…

  • opportunity to apply reflective practice on their own and that of their organisations culture and application in relation to their willing and effectiveness in including disabled people.
  • increased confidence in their ability to provide an inclusive working environment.
  • the tools to attract a wider and more diverse range of candidates to their organisation.
  • increased confidence in their ability to approach and provide the right support for their employees.
  • increased knowledge of services and funding to support in work reasonable adjustments.
  • resources to help make their company policies and recruitment process more inclusive for all.
  • a toolkit to take away and support the implementation and application of the learning.
  • Increased knowledge and appreciation of accessible tourism and purple pound to your organisation.

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