It was intended that the draft Licensing Policy Statement would be discussed at the Licensing Committee meeting set for Wednesday 14 September 2022. However the consultation on the draft LPS has received an unprecedented amount of public comment, raising many issues, so in order to give the matter proper consideration the Convenor has directed that the matter will instead be discussed at a Special Meeting of the Licensing Committee, to be set just for this. That Special Meeting is likely to be on Tuesday 27 September 2022.
The date and time of that Special Meeting, and the agenda and related documents, will be available on the Council website:
The meeting will be open to the public.
In order to assist ‘Existing Hosts’ to benefit from the special rules which allow ‘Existing Hosts’ to benefit from the special rules which allow Hosts who are currently using particular accommodation without a Licence (these are called “Transitional Provisions”), the Council will soon be adding to their website:
details of a free-of-charge non-statutory scheme to assist “Existing Hosts” by issuing ‘letters of comfort’.
The website will include a Request Form which ‘Existing Hosts’ can use to ask the Council to confirm their ‘Existing Host’ status in relation to particular accommodation. The Council are setting-up this procedure so that the Hosts will have an ‘official’ document to show guests, listings agencies and insurance companies that they are currently entitled to operate without a Licence. The Council are doing this without any legal obligation to do so.
It is important to note that:
What happens after that date depends on what the Hosts do:
Chris Pollock
Licensing Administration Officer
North Ayrshire Council
Sent on behalf of Raymond Lynch
Senior Manager (Legal Services)
Clerk to the Licensing Committee
North Ayrshire Council