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ASSC CEO Fiona Campbell Provides Oral Evidence to Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Today, Tuesday 7th February, ASSC Chief Executive, Fiona Campbell gave oral evidence to the Scottish Parliament Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee. The ASSC welcomed the opportunity to speak on behalf of members and the short-term lets sector in Scotland and to provide vital evidence on short-term let licensing, highlighting the numerous difficulties faced by our members despite the prospect of a much welcome six-month delay

You can view this mornings session in Parliament here

You can read the evidence here

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC), said: “The ASSC were pleased to provide oral evidence on short-term let licensing to the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee, highlighting the numerous difficulties faced by our members despite the prospect of a much welcome six-month delay.

The ASSC also supplied the Committee with a substantial piece of written evidence to supplement our contribution today. Unfortunately, the same evidence-based approach was not taken by some panellists who singularly fail to understand the impact of these regulations, or appreciate the contribution that tourism brings to local economies across Scotland.

While this can often be an Edinburgh-centric conversation, licensing will affect the future growth and viability of small businesses in rural, remote and island communities, at the very time they are still battling to recover from the pandemic and deal with rising costs across the board.

From exorbitant fees, conflating licensing and planning regimes, inadequate guidance, barriers to investment, stipulating the need for layout plans, carpeted properties or even adequate cutlery space, these regulations are a runaway train that the Scottish Government needs to get back on track.”

ASSC Submits Written Evidence to Local Government Housing Planning Committee

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