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City of Edinburgh Council Launches Second Consultation on STL Licensing

City of Edinburgh Council have launched their second consultation on their STL licensing scheme.

The consultation can be accessed here.

“The aim of this consultation is to seek community and business views on the proposed licensing policy and conditions framework for short term letting in Edinburgh.” Deadline: 5 September.

Proposed Policy. can be found here: Draft Short Term Let Policy – v0.15

Note 4.17:

Option A) Secondary letting in tenement or shared main door accommodation is considered as unsuitable and there will be a rebuttable presumption against the grant of a licence in such circumstances.

Option B) There will be a rebuttable presumption against the grant of a licence for secondary letting in tenement or shared main door accommodation, unless the applicant can demonstrate they have consent from the owners of all accommodation within the stair/close in which their accommodation is located.

Additional Conditions:

STL3: The licence holder must take all reasonable steps to ensure that guests do not first arrive or finally depart from the accommodation between the hours of 9pm to 7am. Where this is not possible, the licence holder, agent or other suitable person must meet the guests upon their arrival at the accommodation. The licence holder must advise guests of this as part of their booking terms and conditions

STL6:  The licence holder must not affix a key box, or any other device to facilitate guest entry to the accommodation, to any public or jointly owned private infrastructure without prior written permission of the relevant authority or owner(s). The licence holder must be able to produce the permission to an authorised officer of the Council on request.

STL11: For secondary lets only, the licence holder must ensure that the bedrooms, living room and hallway in the premises are carpeted.

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