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Highland Council Recommend Designating Badenoch and Strathspey as a Short-Term Let Control Area.

Highland Council Members have agreed to apply to Scottish Ministers to designate Badenoch and Strathspey as a Short-Term Let Control Area.

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC), said:

“We note the decision by Highland Council to recommend designating one ward, Badenoch and Strathspey, as a short-term let control area. This will now pass to Scottish Government Ministers for their determination.”

“Responses for and against the control area were evenly split, so this far from a ringing endorsement from stakeholders. As Council papers state, work on progressing this has already been ‘extensive’ and has ‘negatively impacted on other work streams’, a situation which will be exacerbated if the control area comes into force.”

“While hitting council budgets at a time they can least afford it, there is no evidence that this policy will actually work in addressing housing challenges. Instead of taking a holistic approach – for instance, building more affordable housing or action on empty homes – clamping down on short-term lets is seen as a simplistic cure-all.”

“The ASSC has previously warned of the unintended consequences of this measure, and the lack of empirical data to support it, and are disappointed that our concerns have been overlooked for an industry that generates over £200m per annum for the Highlands economy.”

Highland Council Committee papers,  which analyse the consultation responses.

As well as the statement from Highland Council.

ASSC response to Badenoch and Strathspey STL control area consultation.

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