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Short-Term Let Licensing: Outstanding Issues & Recommendations

The ASSC has submitted a briefing to the Scottish Government, following a request from the new Housing Minister, Paul McLennan MSP. In it, we outlined the outstanding issues and recommendation for solutions.

Genuine and meaningful partnership working can deliver beneficial results. The ASSC wants Scotland to be a leader in smart regulation which balances the needs of our economy and communities, not one which is burdensome and other countries seek to avoid as an example of bad practice.

We must strive to work collaboratively to protect Scotland’s £867m self-catering industry and not burden small businesses who do so much to promote and enhance the country’s unique tourism offering and boost local economies.

The Scottish Government have two pathways towards a more equitable, fair and effective STL regulatory landscape. It could:

  1. Implement the ASSC’s proposal to pivot licensing to align with the Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004., which would satisfy the aims of the regulations, covering the safety of the activity; or
  2. Consider the various amendments to the 1982 Act and re-draft the guidance associated with Licensing Order 2022, in collaboration with industry and local government stakeholders.

We welcome a commitment from the Housing Minister to address the outstanding issues. We sincerely hope that the solutions outlined in this document can be actively considered by the Scottish Government so that we can arrive at a proportionate and fair regulatory regime, where unintended consequences are minimised, and the self-catering sector can survive and thrive into the future.

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