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Short-term lets and planning changes – UK

The UK Government has just announced its intentions following the consultations on short-term lets registration and planning changes that concluded last year:

The key points:

  • There will be a new national, mandatory registration scheme for short-term lets. We await more details. It will not include “hotels, hostels and B&Bs”. The definitional problems we identified in our consultation response will remain.
  • “The Government is considering how to apply the register so it does not apply disproportionate regulation for example on property owners that let out their home infrequently.”
  • There will be a new use class in planning for short-term lets. All existing let properties will be automatically reclassified.
  • There will be a new permitted development right so properties can move from ordinary residential use to short-term lets without planning permission. But councils can remove this right and require full planning permission.

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the ASSC, commented:

“The introduction of a mandatory registration system for short-term lets by the UK Government has been welcomed by many stakeholders in England. What has been proposed appears to be a more balanced and proportionate response to community concerns, including in relation to historic housing challenges.”

“The Scottish regulatory framework certainly wasn’t a model to be replicated elsewhere in the UK. The onerous and costly nature of short-term let licensing and planning will push up the costs of holidaying in Scotland compared to other domestic and international markets, making our tourism industry less competitive while disincentivising investment.”

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