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Badenoch and Strathspey Short-term Secondary Let Control Area Planning Policy Consultation

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers welcomes the opportunity to provide evidence to Highland Council on their short-term secondary let control area consultation for Badenoch and Strathspey.

As the main trade association for the self-catering sector in Scotland, representing over 1,700 members, we hope that our expertise and insight can help inform any regulations taken forward. We have always strived to work collaboratively with both local and national government stakeholders to ensure a balanced and proportionate outcome for all; and this is what we intend to do with Highland Council.

We strongly contend that this proposed planning policy is disproportionate and over-reaching. Instead, the ASSC asserts that planning policies should be:

  • Proportionate in nature, balanced, and rely on a firm evidence base;
  • Appreciate tourism related economy at a time when it should be supported to recover, and understand that short-term lets are a key source of accommodation that is imperative to the viability of local communities and international events; and
  • Consider the economic impact of any planning policy, which will cost jobs and livelihoods in a sector that provides a £867m boost to the Scottish economy and is worth £211m to the Highlands.

Download the ASSC’s consultation response: The Highland Council Badenoch and Strathspey Short-term Secondary Let Control Area Planning Policy Consultation

Comments must be submitted in writing no later than 3rd February 2023.  Take part here.

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