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Energy Performance Certificates: Minimum Standards

S6W-06372: Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 08/02/2022

To ask the Scottish Government whether all short-term holiday let properties will be required to have an EPC rating of C or above by 2025; whether any short-term holiday let properties that do not meet an EPC rating of C or above by the deadline will, as a result, no longer be permitted to be let, and, if so, what it anticipates the financial impact will be on the Scottish tourism industry.

Answered by Patrick Harvie (01/03/2022): The Heat in Buildings Strategy confirms our intention to introduce, subject to consultation, regulations requiring Scotland’s homes to meet EPC Band C equivalent, where that is technically feasible and cost effective from 2025 onwards, with a range of backstop dates from 2028 to 2033. We plan to consult during 2022 on our proposals for such regulations, and this will include details of any exemptions, definitions of properties in scope, and matters relating to compliance.

S6W-06713: Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 22/02/2022

To ask the Scottish Government, in the event that a short-term holiday let is not of an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C or better by the required date in 2025, whether it is required to immediately cease being offered as a short-term holiday let or any other tenancy, and what penalty will be applied in the event that the lessor continues to market the property as a short-term holiday let or other type of tenancy.

Answered by Patrick Harvie (01/03/2022): The Heat in Buildings Strategy confirms our intention to introduce, subject to consultation, regulations requiring Scotland’s homes to meet EPC Band C equivalent, where that is technically feasible and cost effective from 2025 onwards, with a range of backstop dates from 2028 to 2033. We plan to consult during 2022 on our proposals for such regulations, and this will include details of any exemptions, definitions of properties in scope, and matters relating to compliance.

S6W-06714: Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date Lodged: 22/02/2022

To ask the Scottish Government how many short-term holiday let properties it estimates will not have achieved a minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C or better by the required date in 2025, and what financial and commercial impact it estimates removing that number of properties from the market will have.

Answered by Patrick Harvie (01/03/2022): The information requested is not held centrally.

Ahead of the introduction of any legislation on minimum energy performance standards, the Scottish Government will undertake a suite of impact assessments on its proposals, which will have been informed by consultation to be undertaken over the next year. These impact assessments will enable any mitigating actions to be considered.

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