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Letter from Housing Minister, Paul McLennan MSP

“Dear Fiona,

Thank you for your correspondence over recent weeks addressed to Scottish Ministers about short-term lets licensing. As you are aware, while I am the lead Minister for this policy I continue to liaise with other Ministers across different portfolios on this matter.

Before addressing the specific issues raised in each of your letters, I would like to reassure you that I have considered the information you have sent to me carefully, alongside discussions I have had with other stakeholders and partners with an interest in the scheme.

I recognise that the ASSC is concerned about the use of licensing to regulate short-term lets. As I have said when we’ve met, I believe the Scottish Government has struck the right balance with short-term lets regulation in Scotland through legislation approved by the Scottish Parliament that puts in place mandatory conditions for all types of short-term lets and provides powers to local areas to address local issues. Having taken into account all available evidence, I do not plan to extend the deadline for existing short term let operators to apply, nor will I be instructing officials to make amendments to legislation. I believe that operators and local authorities have enough certainty to proceed, and in the 2 months remaining our joint efforts are best focused on ensuring operators are aware of the deadline, and encouraged to submit an application if they wish to continue providing accommodation, noting the clarity this also brings to local authorities to plan and deliver the scheme……”

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