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MSP Jackie Baillie PQ to Scottish Government – STL Licensing

On the 12th of January, MSP Jackie Baillie posed the following Parliamentary Question (PQ) to the The Scottish Government:
What metrics will be used to consider the effectiveness of its short-term let licensing policy, and, consequently, what information it has requested from local authorities as part of this?
Paul McLennan: The Scottish Government and licensing authorities have agreed a specification for the collection of data relating to short-term let licensing applications. This is available to view at Short-term lets: data collection specification – gov.scot (www.gov.scot).

Quarterly statistics relating to this information were published on 30 August and 20 November 2023, which provide trends for short-term let licensing applications and licences including types of let, types of property, and the application status. It also shows the number of any licence applications refused and indicates the reason for the refusal, including if the applicant is not a fit and proper person or the premises is judged to be unsuitable. The next publication, covering the period 1 July to 30 September 2023, is expected to be published in April 2024.

The scope of an implementation update on short-term let licensing was shared with the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee on 27 October 2023. Short term lets 27 October 2023 | Scottish Parliament Website. We will provide the Committee with further information about our progress in due course.


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