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Update on the Scottish Government’s Re-Constituted Stakeholder Working Group on Short-Term Lets

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) has taken the decision to participate in the Scottish Government’s Stakeholder Working Group on Short-Term Lets.

The ASSC, along with other tourism stakeholders, had resigned from the Working Group in August 2021 as it was not fit for purpose. However, circumstances have changed following the Scottish Parliament’s approval of the Licensing Order last month and the fact that the Working Group has now been reconstituted with updated terms of reference.

The purpose of the updated Working Group is to assist the Scottish Government to finalise guidance on the short-term lets licensing scheme and planning control areas, ahead of implementation of licensing schemes from October 2022.

While concerns remain given our experience during the discussions last year, the ASSC believes that we must take cognisance of the changed regulatory context and refocus our efforts to help protect Scotland’s £867m self-catering sector under challenging circumstances.

Our decision should not be taken as an endorsement of the government’s position on licensing. The ASSC continues to maintain that licensing will entail a materially negative impact for Scottish tourism and we will continue to articulate your concerns on this matter.

While there is no guarantee of success, we will work constructively and collaboratively with the Working Group to help facilitate the implementation of this legislation in order to prevent, as much as possible, any unintended consequences.

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