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The ASSC in 2023: Representation, Advocacy, Lobbying

The ASSC has worked tirelessly on your behalf throughout 2023. Here is just a small selection of what we have been doing to back Scotland’s vital self-catering industry, providing representation, advocacy and lobbying for the benefit of our members and Scottish tourism as a whole.


  • The ASSC are one of the most active trade organisations in Scotland for lobbying politicians, registering 28 meetings with MSPs on the Lobbying Register in 2023 alone, many of which had multiple MSPs present. This included meetings with Scottish Government Cabinet Secretaries, Ministers, and key Opposition Spokespersons.
  • Where appropriate, we also had meetings with MPs, UK Government Ministers, and countless local councillors in Scotland, including the leaders of local authorities.
  • We were also in regular contact with Scottish Government civil servants on relevant policy issues.
  • Numerous briefing papers, letters and policy recommendation documents were supplied to all of the above – on subjects ranging from short-term let regulation, the visitor levy, non-domestic rates, and EPCs – with the ASSC frequently being mentioned both in parliament and the press.


  • The ASSC appeared in the media and press in nearly 300 separate instances in 2023, much more than equivalent sized or even larger business organisations.
  • This included broadcast pieces with the BBC and STV News, but also in national online and print publications like The Scotsman, the Herald, the Times, as well as local papers like the Edinburgh Evening News, Courier and Press & Journal.


  • Nearly 200 news pieces appeared on the ASSC website, informing members of developments as they happen.
  • Website in the last 30 days, had 49k page views. Last 90 days compared to last period, web visits are up by 48%.
  • Increased social media presence across all major platforms to further keep members up-to-date, with our following now in excess of 8k.
  • Since the start of 2023, we’ve sent out a remarkable 140 e-newsletters, equating to an average of 14 per month.
  • Over 3,000 people attended ASSC events in 2023.
  • A total of 18 virtual webinars have taken place in 2023.
  • In total, we have brought 6,872 businesses together.
  • Over the last 12 months, the ASSC conducted 10 surveys with an average response of 1229 across all surveys. These surveys enabled us to represent your voice, helping inform our conversations with stakeholders.

We’ve recently celebrated 45 years and more and more people are joining Team ASSC, with membership up 166% in the past four years. With the organisation going from strength to strength, we sincerely hope that you remain part of the collective effort to support Scottish self-catering by renewing your membership. Your support inspires our determination, and we look forward to standing together in the journey ahead.

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