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Purchasing for Business: Purchasing Services & Cost Savings

We are delighted to welcome our new partner: Purchasing for Business
Who are Purchasing for Business?

Purchasing for Business is the UK’s leading purchasing group for the self-catering sector.  

They work with over 6,000 businesses to provide savings, benefits and discounts on a wide range of products and services. With their buying power and volume, they can help all ASSC members save money, reduce costs and increase profits with exclusive benefits and savings.

A few words from Purchasing for Business

Having successfully partnered with PASC UK, the B&B Association, Sykes Cottages, Classic Cottages and many others, we’re very confident we can deliver the same benefits and savings to ASSC members and provide great savings during these challenging times.” 

Take a look at Purchasing for Business’ exclusive member offer here.
Be sure to check out their website, and follow them on social media!

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Contact Details:

Gurvinder Patara, Managing Director 

01536 419877 and 07734 595544 


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