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Outstanding Issues Regarding Short-Term Let Regualations

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) welcomed the Scottish Government’s decision to provide a six-month extension for existing short-term let operators to apply for a short-term let licence. This delay provided an opportunity to take stock, assess the impacts related to the regulations, and work constructively to ameliorate concerns. However, there are a number of outstanding issues which remain to be resolved.

The ASSC was also pleased at the opportunity to recently meet with the Scottish Government’s new Minister for Housing Paul McLennan MSP to discuss short-term let regulation. We are grateful for his commitment to help resolve the outstanding issues relating to short-term let licensing and we welcome the invitation to be part of the 2024 review.

We now need to work together to ensure that the regulatory framework functions effectively for all stakeholders involved in Scotland’s vital tourism industry. If action is not taken, we fear more self- catering operators will leave the sector, jeopardising not only than industry that provides £876m per annum to the Scottish economy, but it will have major ramifications for the Scottish tourism sector, including the position of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

The documents below outline the outstanding issues that need to be addressed as a matter of urgency regarding both licensing and planning, and we provide solutions to the problems faced.

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