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Exemptions to Travel

Parliamentary Questions:  Necessary Repairs to Holiday Homes

Alex Cole-Hamilton (Edinburgh Western) (Scottish Liberal Democrats): To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether repairs that need to be carried out in holiday homes should be classed as an exemption to the restrictions regarding travelling to and from level 3 local authority areas.

Fergus Ewing: Necessary repairs to holiday homes can proceed as required in level 3 local authority areas. Although there is no specific reference in the guidance for conducting maintenance in a holiday or second home, contractors are still able to enter for maintenance purposes. In level 4 however contractors can only carry out essential maintenance. In this level, a person should only travel to a holiday or second home where essential repairs or maintenance are required. The guidelines are clear that for safety, people should avoid all unnecessary travel in level 3 and 4 and exemptions should not be used as loopholes.

For more information:

The Health Protection (Coronavirus)(Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2020 BKW 191120

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