We need your help…
It is vital that as a sector, we are fully represented when the time comes to publishing and using the results from this very important survey that aims to capture the current business environment that the tourism industry in Scotland is operating in.
Let’s make sure we are fully represented.
Grab a cuppa, take a seat and complete the Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA) Industry Business Barometer and Energy Survey.
Thank you.
The Scottish Tourism Alliance’s (STA) Industry Business Barometer and Energy Survey is looking to capture the current business environment that the tourism industry is operating in, including business cost pressures and the ongoing energy bill situation.
The STA will use the findings of the survey to inform their upcoming priority conversations with UK and Scottish Government Ministers about the urgent need for support and the right policy environment to enable businesses in the tourism sector to remain solvent, fully recover and grow.
Thank you for taking the time to add your voice.