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Surf the Challenging Times With Ease And Flow

Life has been very challenging in the Self-Catering Sector over the last couple of years. Running your own business and perhaps supporting a team to embrace all the challenges has been exhausting at times rather like trying to catch a wave, only to be dunked off your surfboard by yet another obstacle just below the water line. Just when we think you are over the hurdle of Covid, booking patterns change and some of us are struggling to reach pre covid guest levels. The cost of living is having an impact on us all and the cherry on the cake is governments new licensing legalisation for SC.

Change CAN be challenging for us all – it can send us into overdrive as we charge head long into making decisions, working long hours to make sure everything is perfect, for some it can cause ostrich like behaviour, as we stick our heads in the sand and pretend there is nothing to worry about, leaving us unprepared to face the new protocols and for others it can cause high levels of stress leading us to become unwell and ultimately decide that shutting down our businesses is the only option.

This workshop, based on the ground-breaking Positive Intelligence program ™(PQ) from Shirzad Chamine , lecturer at Stanford and Yale Business School, aims to help us understand what motivates us all (our Sage muscle) and what interferes with us achieving our goals (our Saboteurs).

Come along to this 90- minute online workshop to find out how to begin to support yourself and other members of your self-catering team to be able to surf the waves of change with ease and flow and maybe even enjoy the view from the cottage window as you do it.

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